Pak Suzuki formed into an association and business operation that declares the business as a separate, legal entity guided by a group of officers known as the board of directors.

To be recognized as a leading organization that values Customers’ needs and provides motoring solutions with strong customer care.

- Develop products of superior value by focusing on the customer
- Establish a refreshing and innovative company through teamwork
- Strive for individual excellence through continuous improvement
Kinji Saito
Mr. Kinji Saito graduated from Hiroshima University, Japan. He has been associated with Suzuki Group since 1981. He has worked in different capacities with Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan and its overseas subsidiaries. As Head of Rep. Office in India from January 2000 to May 2002. As Director Marketing & Sales of Maruti Suzuki India from May 2002 to March 2006. As President of American Suzuki Motor Corporation from July 2008 to March 2011. He joined Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited as Non-Executive Director on October 9, 2013.کنجی سائیتو
جناب کنجی سائیتو نے ہیروشیما یونیورسٹی، جاپان سے گریجویشن کیا، آپ سوزوکی گروپ سے 1981 سے وابستہ ہیں، آپ سوزوکی موٹر کارپوریشن اور اس کے اوورسیز ذیلی اداروں میں مختلف عہدوں پر فائض رہے، جنوری2000 تا مئی 2002 تک انڈیا میں بطور نمائندہ آفس کے ہیڈ،2002 تا2006 ماروتی سوزوکی انڈیا میں بطور ڈائریکٹر مارکیٹنگ سیلز، جولائی2008 تا مارچ2011، امریکن سوزوکی موٹر کارپوریشن کے پریزیڈنٹ کی حیثیت سے خدمات انجام دیں، انہوں نے 9 اکتوبر،2013 کو پاک سوزوکی موٹر کمپنی لمیٹڈ میں بطور نان ایگزیکٹوڈائریکٹر شمولیت اختیار کی۔ -
Hiroshi Kawamura
Mr. Hiroshi Kawamura has been associated with Suzuki Group since 1998. He has worked in different capacities with Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan and its overseas subsidiaries. He worked as President of Suzuki Italia S.P.A. from 2015 to 2018. He joined Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited as ManagingDirector in May 2023.ہیروشی کاوامورا
جناب ہیروشی کاوامورا 1998 سے سوزوکی گروپ کے ساتھ منسلک ہیں۔ انہوں نے سوزوکی موٹر کارپوریشن، جاپان اور اس کے بیرون ملک ذیلی اداروں کے ساتھ مختلف عہدوں پر کام کیا ہے۔ انہوں نے2015 سے 2018 تک سوزوکی اٹلی ایس پی اے کے صدر کے طور پر کام کیا۔ انہوں نے مئی2023 میں پاک سوزوکی موٹر کمپنی لمیٹڈ میں بطور منیجنگ ڈائریکٹر شمولیت اختیار کی۔ -
Yoshitaka Oishi
Mr. Yoshitaka Oishi has been associated with Suzuki group since 1990. He worked in Kosai plant, Iwata plant and Sagara plant as Head Of Department and also worked in oversea plant in Magyar Suzuki in Hungary from 2001 to 2006 and Changan Suzuki in China from 2014 to 2018. Before Pak Suzuki, he was aGeneral Manager of Production Engineer in Painting and Plastic molding. He joined Pak Suzuki in October 2022.یوشیتاکا اوشی
جناب یوشیتاکا اوشی 1990 سے سوزوکی گروپ سے وابستہ ہیں۔ انہوں نے کوسائی پلانٹ، ایواٹا پلانٹ اور ساگارا پلانٹ میں ہیڈ آف ڈیپارٹمنٹ کے طور پر کام کیا ۔ انہوں نے سوزوکی کے بیرون ملک پلانٹ میگیار سوزوکی، ہنگری 2001 سے 2006 تک اور 2014 سے2018 تک چین میں چانگن سوزوکی میں بھی کام کیا۔ پاک سوزوکی سے پہلے، وہپینٹنگ اور پلاسٹک مولڈنگ میں پروڈکشن انجینئر کے جنرل مینیجر تھے۔ انہوں نے اکتوبر 2022 میں پاک سوزوکی کو جوائن کیا۔ -
Masafumi Harano
Mr. Masafumi Harano, has been associated with Suzuki Group since 1988. He has worked in different capacities with Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan and its overseas subsidiaries. He worked as in-charge of Overseas Automobile Marketing, North America, South and East Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. He worked as Managing Director of Suzuki Canada Inc. from 2004 to 2007 & Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited from 2017 to May 2023.ماسا فیومی ہارانو
جناب ماسا فیومی ہارانو سوزوکی گروپ کے ساتھ 1988 سے وابستہ ہیں، آپ نے سوزوکی موٹر کارپوریشن اور اس کے اوورسیز ذیلی اداروں میں مختلف عہدوں پر کام کیا ہے، آپ نے نارتھ امریکہ، ساﺅتھ اینڈ ایسٹ ایشائ، یورپ، مڈل ایسٹ اور افریقہ میں بطور انچارج اورسیز آٹوموبائل مارکیٹنگ خدمات انجام دیں، اس کے علاوہ آپ نے 2004 سے 2007 تک سوزوکی کینیڈا انکارپوریشن اور 2017 سے مئی2023 تک پاک سوزوکی موٹر کمپنی میں بحثیت منیجنگ ڈائریکٹر کام کیا۔ -
Motohiro Atsumi
Mr. Motohiro Atsumi has been associated with Suzuki Group since 1986. He has worked in different capacities with Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan and its overseas subsidiaries. As manager of Maruti Suzuki India from 2002. As director of India automobile department from 2010. As president of Suzuki Motor Gujarat from 2019 to 2020. He was assigned as director of Asia automobile department from 2022. He joined Non-Executive Director of Pak Suzuki on February 15, 2022.موتوھیرواَتسومی
جناب موتوھیرواَتسومی 1986 سے سوزوکی گروپ سے وابستہ ہیں۔ انہوں نے سوزوکی موٹر کارپوریشن، جاپان اور اس کی بیرون ملک کی ماتحت کمپنیوں کے ساتھ مختلف شعبوں میں خدمات انجام دیں. 2002 سے ماروتی سوزوکی انڈیا کے مینیجر کے طور پر کام کیا۔ 2010 سے انڈیا آٹوموبائل ڈیپارٹمنٹ میں بطور ڈائریکٹر کام کیا۔ 2019 سے 2020 تک سوزوکی موٹر گجرات کے صدر رہے ۔ انہیں 2022 سے ایشیا آٹوموبائل ڈیپارٹمنٹ کے ڈائریکٹر کے طور پر تعینات کیا گیا۔ انہوں نے 15 فروری 2022 کو پاک سوزوکی کے نان ایگزیکٹیو ڈائریکٹر کے طور پر شمولیت اختیار کی۔ -
Rukhsana Shah
Rukhsana Shah had a distinguished civil service career spanning more than 35 years. She obtained in-service training in international marketing, project management, dispute settlement mechanism and cluster development from institutions in Rotterdam, Washington, Geneva and Turin. She had varied postings in different departments, served as Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Pakistan High Commission in London and was a Faculty member at the National School of Public Policy (former Staff College). She retired as Federal Secretary, Ministry of Textile Industry, Islamabad in 2014. She was nominated by the Ministry of Finance as Independent Director on the Board of First Women’s Bank in January 2016. She regularly write articles for the Opinion Page of Dawn Pakistan on issues relating mainly to social justice, welfare, education and gender.رخسانہ شاہ
محترمہ رخسانہ شاہ کا سول سروسز کیریئر 35 سالوں پر محیط ہے، آپ نے روٹرڈیم، واشنگٹن، جنیوا اور ٹورین کے اداروں میں دوران سروس بین الاقوامی مارکیٹنگ، پراجیکٹ مینجمنٹ، Dispute سیٹلمنٹ اور کلسٹر ڈولیپمنٹ کی تربیت حاصل کی، آپ نے مختلف محکموں میں اعلیٰ عہدوں پر کام کیا، جس میں لندن کے پاکستان ہائ کمیشن میں اقتصادی اور تجارتی کونسلر کی حیثیت سے خدمات انجام دیں اور نیشنل اسکول آف پبلک پالیسی (سابق اسٹاف کالج) میں فکلٹی رکن رہی ہیں، آپ وفاقی سیکریٹری برائے ٹیکسٹائل 2014 میں ریٹائر ہوئیں، آپ کو جنوری2016 میں وزارت خزانہ کی طرف سے فرسٹ ویمن بینک کے بورڈ میں خود مختار ڈائریکٹر تعینات کیا گیا، آپ باقاعدگی سے روزنامہ ڈان پاکستان میں سماجی انصاف، فلاح و بہبود اور تعلیم پر آرٹیکل لکھتی ہیں۔ -
Kensaku Imaizumi
Mr. Kensaku Imaizumi has been associated with Suzuki Group since 1995. He has worked in different capacities with Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan and its overseas subsidiaries. He worked in Suzuki Myanmar Motor from 2015 to 2021. He was assigned as manager of Pakistan Department, Asia automobile Division from 2021. He joined Non-Executive Director of Pak Suzuki on May 7, 2024.کینساکو ایمائی زومی
جناب کینساکو ایمائی زومی سوزوکی گروپ سے 1995سے منسلک ہیں، انہوں نے سوزوکی موٹر کارپوریشن، جاپان اور اس کے بیرون ملک اداروں میں مختلف عہدوں پرکام کیا۔ وہ سوزوکی مینمار موٹر میں 2015سے 2021تک ذمہ داریاں نبھاتے رہے، وہ پاکستان ڈپارٹمنٹ، ایشیاءآٹوموبائل ڈویژن میں 2021میں مینیجر کے عہدے پر فائز ہوئے۔ وہپاک سوزوکی سے 7مئی 2024کو بطور نان ایگزیکٹو ڈائریکٹر منسلک ہوئے ہیں ۔
Integrated Management Policy
Pak Suzuki is built on the idea of a responsible corporate citizenship thereby managing quality, environmental, safety & occupational health matters as an integral part of our business. In fulfilling this responsibility Pak Suzuki adheres to the following fundamental principles:
- We are committed to provide top quality products at competitive price to the satisfaction and requirement of our customers.
- We conduct our operations in compliance with applicable environmental, occupational health & safety laws and regulations. Even where existing laws & regulations are not adequate we undertake to operate in a responsible manner by assuring the HS&E integrity of our processes and facilities.
- We recognize the interrelationship between energy and the environment, and we promote the efficient use of energy throughout our system.
- We ensure safe disposal of waste generated from our facility and will minimize the discharge of waste materials into the environment by utilizing responsible pollution control practices.
- We will continuously seek opportunities to improve our adherence to these principles.
مربوط انتظامی پالیسی
پاک سوزوکی ایک ذمہ دار صنعتی ادارہ کی بنیاد پر وجود میں آئی ہے۔لہٰذا معیار، ماحولیات اور پیشہ ورانہ حفاظت اور صحت کے امور سرانجام دینا ہمارے کاروبار کا لازمی جز ہے، اس ذمہ داری کو پورا کرنے کے لئے پاک سوزوکی مندرجہ ذیل بنیادی اصولوں پرکارفرما ہے
۔ ہمارا عزم ہے کہ ہم اپنے خریدار کو ان کے اطمینان اور ضرورت کے مطابق اعلیٰ معیارکی مصنوعات مناسب قیمت پر فراہم کریں۔
۔ ہم اپنی سرگرمیاں ماحولیاتی، پیشہ ورانہ صحت اور حفاظتی قوانین و ضوابط کے مطابق سرانجام دیتے ہیں۔ حتیٰ کہ جہاں موجودہ قوانین و ضوابط ناکافی ہوتے ہیں ہم اپنے طریقہ کار اور سہولیات کو صحت، حفاظت اور ماحول کے مطابق ذمہ دارانہ طور پر سرانجام دیتے ہیں۔
۔ ہم توانائی اور ماحول کے باہمی تعلق کو سمجھتے ہوئے اپنے پورے نظام میں توانائی کے موثراستعمال کو فروغ دیتے ہیں۔
۔ ہم اس بات کو یقینی بناتے ہیں کہ ہمارے ادارے میں پیدا ہونے والے فضلہ کو محفوظ طریقے سے ٹھکانے لگائیں اورذمہ دارانہ طریقے سے آلودگی کو روکنے کے عمل پر کاربند رہتے ہوئے ناقابل استعمال مادوں کے اخراج کو ماحول میں پھیلنے سے ممکنہ حد تک کم کریں۔
۔ ہم اپنے ان اصولوں پر بہتر طریقے سے قائم رہنے کیلئے مسلسل مواقع کے متلاشی ہیں۔
ECSTAR Launched
- Implementation of SAP S/4 HANA under SG-ONE (Suzuki Global - One New Excellence)
- Pak Suzuki Best Social Media Campaign on Instagram
- Pak Suzuki won Gold Award in Automobile Sector by Employee Federation of Pakistan
- Launching of the upgraded All New Swift Model
- Launch of ECSTAR - Suzuki Global brand of Engine Oil
- Launch of MSMS Season 4
All New Suzuki Swift Launched
- All New Suzuki Swift Launched
- Suzuki Pakistan won Effie Award of first ever online Used Car Gala
- Suzuki Pakistan achieved milestone of selling 1000 units of outboard engines in Pakistan market
- Suzuki Pakistan achieved record sales of automobile in June 2022, with 16000+ units.
- Alto VXR AGS introduced
- GSX 125 launched
- New variant of Swift GL CVT LE introduced
- Record number of entries of 2,240 in MSMS (My Suzuki My Story) season 3.
- Suzuki Pakistan achieved highest record sales of motorcycle, with 40,000+ units.
Pak Suzuki crossing 100,000 Unit sales of All New Alto
- Pak Suzuki has launched its new website.
- Pak Suzuki has exported Bike Ride’s apparel to Japan.
- Federal Minister rollout celebration of the highest production of New Alto.
- Pak Suzuki won Best Short from web video for the 2nd consecutive year.
- Pak Suzuki Motorcycles record-breaking sales of 32,384 while producing 32,203 units.
- Pak Suzuki crossing 100,000 Unit sales of All New Alto.
Pak Suzuki won “best short form web video” award
- Pak Suzuki and Idemitsu renewed its contract for supplies of Suzuki Genuine Oil.
- Pak Suzuki achieved great milestone by selling more than twenty nine thousand units of all new alto.
- Pak Suzuki won “best short form web video” award.
Suzuki GIXXER Introduced
- Suzuki GIXXER (The Street Sport Bike) Introduced.
- Suzuki Corporate day care center for female staff inaugurated.
- Introduced All New Suzuki Alto 660cc.
- Suzuki Genuine Oil “Super-Efficient” launched.
- Started export of leather gloves for Heavy Bikes customers to European and Japanese Market.
- “Exchange Financing Scheme” Introduced.
- Suzuki Jimny 4th Generation was launched.
Pak Suzuki Wins
- Pak Suzuki Wins PAS Top Brand 2017.
- Pak Suzuki Launched Suzuki Finance Arrangement Program (SFAP).
- Pak Suzuki was Certified on ISO 9001:2015-QMS & ISO 14001:2015-EMS.
- Pak Suzuki achieved Best Digital Campaign of the year in the Automobile Segment.
- Landmark achievement of 2 million vehicles line- off achieved by Pak Suzuki, Chairman Suzuki and Advisor to PM graced the ceremony.
Pak Suzuki Ciaz Introduced
- 1400cc Suzuki Ciaz Introduced.
- 1000cc Suzuki New Cultus Launched.
- Heavy Bike Suzuki GSX-R600 introduced
- Suzuki Motorcycle GR-150 launched.
- Suzuki New Cultus Auto Gear shift version launched.
- Suzuki Mega Carry introduced.
- Inauguration of New Delivery Yard at Port Qasim, Karachi
- Joint Venture Agreement signed between Pak Suzuki and Tecno Pack Telecom PVT.LTD to set up Tecno Auto Glass Limited.
Completion Of 50,000 Units
- Completion of 50,000 Units of Government of Punjab “Rozgar Scheme”.
- Introduced Suzuki Cultus Limited Edition.
- Inauguration of Suzuki Booking Office & Facilitation Centre.
- Introduction of Suzuki GS 150 SE.
- 1600cc Suzuki Vitara Launched.
Suzuki KIZASHI Car Introduced
- 2400cc Suzuki KIZASHI car introduced.
- Heavy Bike Suzuki Inazuma Aegis Launched.
- Pak Suzuki awarded by Ozone Award from Govt. of Pakistan.
- Re launching of CNG Versions (Mehran & Cultus).
- Inauguration of Vendor Development Program II by Federal Minister .
- Inauguration of Expansion of Parts Manufacturing Facilities by Federal Minister.
- Inauguration of Resumption of CNG Fitted Vehicle (Mehran& Cultus) by Federal Minister.
- Achieving highest automobile sales ever i.e. 133,952 Units.
Suzuki Outboard Motor Launched
- Suzuki Outboard motor launched.
- 1000cc Suzuki WagonR car introduced.
- Suzuki Motorcycle GD 110S launched.
Suzuki Heavy Bikes Introduced
- Suzuki motorcycle, GD 110 launched.
- Suzuki heavy bikes introduced.
Suzuki Products Upgraded To Euro II Technology
- Complete range of Suzuki products was upgraded to Euro II technology.
- Suzuki Genuine Oil (SGO) launched.
- Suzuki Motorcycle RAIDER 110cc was launched replacing SPRINTER.
- Completion of 20,000 Units of Government of Punjab “Rozgar Scheme”.
Inauguration Of Motorcycle Plant At Bin Qasim
- Inauguration of motorcycle plant at Bin Qasim.
Suzuki SWIFT 1300cc Car Introduced
- 1300cc Suzuki SWIFT car introduced.
- 800cc Suzuki CARGO VAN launched.
- Roll-off of the 750,000th 800cc Suzuki vehicle.
- 500,000th CNG Vehicle produced.
1 Million Suzuki Vehicle Produced
- 1 million Suzuki Vehicle produced. The Prime Minister of Pakistan graced the occasion.
Suzuki Expanded Up To 150,000 Vehicles per Year
- Plant capacity expanded up to 150,000 vehicles per year.
- Amalgamation of Suzuki Motorcycle Pakistan Limited into Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited.
- 2nd Waste Water Treatment Plant installed.
Suzuki LIANA Replaced BALENO
- Capacity enhanced to 120,000 vehicles per year.
- 1300cc LIANA replaced BALENO.
Expansion Up To 80,000 Vehicles
- Capacity expansion up to 80,000 vehicles per year.
Plastic Injection Molding Startup
- Plastic injection molding shop commenced operation.
CNG Vehicles Started
- Production of factory fitted CNG vehicles started
- SMC further increased its equity to 73.09%
ALTO Introduced
- 1000cc CULTUS replaced KHYBER
- 1000cc ALTO Introduced
- 1300cc BALENO replaced MARGALLA.
Exports Of Ravi Pickups
- Exports of Ravi Pickups to Nepal / Bangladesh commenced.
Raising SMC's Equity To 72.8%
- Waste water treatment plant Installed to control environmental pollution.
- The joint venture agreement ended, PACO divested its entire share holding to SMC, raising SMC's equity to 72.8%
Roll-out Of The 50,000th Vehicle
- Roll-out of the 50,000th vehicle from the Bin Qasim Plant.
MARGALLA Production Started
- MARGALLA production started at new Plant.
- SMC acquired additional 15% shares from PACO enhancing its shareholding to 40% and taking over the management
Start Of New Plant At Bin Qasim
- Start of operations of new plant at Bin Qasim with engine and transmission assembly.
Foundation Stone Set By The Prime Minister of Pakistan
- Foundation stone of Pak Suzuki Bin Qasim Plant was laid by the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Introduced SWIFT
- Introduced 1000cc SWIFT later on called KHYBER.
- 800cc MEHRAN replaced Suzuki FX.
Suzuki Commercial Operations Started
- The Company Started commercial operations.
Pak Suzuki As Public Limited Company
- Pak Suzuki as a public limited company incorporated.
- Industrial collaboration agreement executed with SMC.
Joint Venture Agreement Signed
- Joint Venture Agreement was signed between SMC and Pakistan Automobile Corporation (PACO).
- Production of Suzuki FX started.
- President of Pakistan, Gen. Mohammad Zia Ul Haq inaugurated the plant & handed over the keys of the first car.
Suzuki Project Approved By ECNEC
- Suzuki project was approved by ECNEC (Executive committee of National Economic Council) (Formal approval of the Government)
“Peoples Car” Announced By The Government Of Pakistan
- In accordance with the concept of “Peoples Car” announced by the Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Automobile Corporation proposed the production of a passenger car with its localization offering to 18 foreign manufacturers.
Assembly Of Pickup At Awami Autos Ltd.
- Assembly of Pickup started at Awami Autos Ltd.
Assembly Of 4x4 Vehicle
- Suzuki Motor Corporation Japan started assembly of 4x4 vehicle at Naya Daur Motors.
Quarterly Earnings Reports
Green Procurement
Pak Suzuki 's environmental activities are guided by the Suzuki Global Environment Charter.
Based on the concept of Environment Charter, Pak Suzuki is systematically promoting environmental
protection activities throughout the entire organization and its all stake holders.
Pak Suzuki commit itself in promoting “production of small and subcompact vehicles” and “development
of environmentally benign products” needed by customers based on the slogan, “Small Cars for a Big
Future”, and make efforts to be “Smaller, Fewer, Lighter, Shorter, and Cleaner” on every side and works
for the efficient, well‐knit and healthy management.
We shall establish our compliance for law, regulation, and standard in order to implement the Pak
Suzuki policies and shall construct trust relationship with customers, suppliers, shareholders,
communities and our employees.
We have established “Green Procurement Guideline” to procure parts, materials and others with
no/less environmental pollutant under this condition.
We would like to request all our suppliers to understand this condition and agree to our “Green
Procurement Guideline”.
What is Green Procurement?
Green procurement means purchasing parts or materials which are free from hazardous substances from the suppliers that are playing active roles in sustainability of the environment.
Vision of PSMCL regarding Green Procurement
Pak Suzuki is the first OEM among Pakistan’s automotive sector to promote environment friendly policy and execute the Green Procurement System. We ensure the compliance of Green Procurement by aggressively promoting and sharing the knowledge of environment contamination, restriction of materials and the means for the prevention of environmental pollution through decent communication with stakeholders.